If I could

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Suramya Pokharel - December 15, 2023

After I recited to her a poem I’d just written, she got up and walked slowly towards the balcony. Leaning against the railing, she said in a gleeful tone – That was beautiful. As I began scribbling again, the room was suddenly filled with a burst of melancholy, when in a hesitant whisper she uttered – Why do you not capture me in one of your poems?

I looked up. There she stood gazing away at the land afar with her hair swaying quite a bit in the evening wind. She had never looked more beautiful. Walking towards her in a slow stride, I said gently – Because I can’t. I can’t capture you in a few lines, or a few pages or a few books. You are a cloud that eludes me at every turn. But if I could, I would...

If I could, I would capture you in some twinkling lights. And suspend you above to unimaginable heights. Where you shall serve as the guiding force, to the travelers lost in the darkest nights. You shall be a sight to view and you shall be a poet’s niche. And when a part does fall from you, it shall fulfill some lover’s wish. You shall hold the gods so close that you shall hold the fates of men. And when some scientist looks at you, you shall be a fire then. When the sun wakes, and you sleep, I shall lay in wait. For you to open your eyes again once it starts turning late.

If I could...

If I could, I would capture you in the drops of rain. And you shall fall with a mighty roar. You shall come to ease the trees. And you shall feel the eagles soar. And when you grace in days of gloom, on your touch shall roses bloom. The seas shall rise to hold your hands and the sun shall wake to touch your face. And when you just elude the sun, the sky shall cry in colorful ways. On this land you fall for me, and drenched by you shall I dance. A dance for the world to see, a dance of utmost romance. And when your showers will pass me by and you shall return back to the sky. To live would be such a pain, if I didn’t seek you in the clouds again.

If I could...

If I could, I would capture you in the melody of tunes. And hum you away as I go. Every road and every trail. Rocky mountains; Valleys low. You shall be heard by mighty kings, and hummed away by peasant’s son. You shall echo in my halls ages after I’m gone. And when the night gets dark and long, you shall grace to soothe the young. And when two lovers meet at last, its your song that shall be sung. And I’d roar you from the mountains top and the whole realm shall hear. And you shall be loved by all, admired by every seer. And I’d hide you in my heart as well for I can’t afford to let you pass, for it is you I shall live to hear and only you my lovely lass.

If I could...

If I could, I would capture you in the joys of life. And cherish you all my age. When you come near me so fast, I’d hold you in a deep embrace. And when you have to let me go, I’d offer you some warm good byes and suffer through my every lows, just to hold you again in my highs. I’d look for you down every path and when you ever cross my roads, I’d welcome you with open arms and whisper to you some lovely odes.