Chaos at the horizon

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Suramya Pokharel - December 15, 2023

Dark is what the days have been, cold and all the same.
Engulfed are the forests seen, burning through a flame.
The skies glow very less, the night is heavy and long.
Sad is time and sad is face, sad is every song.

Fear strikes every man and every living thing there is.
Hope leaves when it can and yet stays to tease.
Victory is already hard to see and yet it hides from eyes
But win has never been the key to open up the skies.

Tough are times and tough are days and blinding is the night.
Rough are crimes the more I gaze and quivering is the sight.
Heavy is head and loaded is mind and life feels hard to hold.
Hope is dead and death is kind and everything feels too cold.

Cries heard all around and agony Is the feel.
And life breaks without a sound yet hope is hard to kill.
"Rise again" shouts the mind,"Rise again and fight,"
"Leave all your pain behind and live another night."

Falling is the soul of thine, void it shall create.
Leaving is the love of mine, oh this wrenching fate.
Pain is felt in every bone, yet pain is easy to bear.
Loss keeps the heart alone, oh loss and its despair.